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Wednesday 29 April 2015

6 Things Healthy People Do Every. Single. Day — And You Can, Too!

Put these on your "self improvement" to-do list!
Moving towards a healthier life means it's important to look at what habits we need in place to reach our goal. We need to maintain a healthy weight, feel more energetic than tired, keep health markers within optimal range. We need to possess that “inner glow."
How can you reach that "glow" level? If you look at the habits of healthy people, you’ll get an idea of what you need to be doing every day. On the road to personal development? We could all use some self improvement so for some wellness inspiration, I’ve found six things healthy people do differently. Adopting these habits are the gateway to hitting the re-start button on an unhealthy life.

1Healthy people eat more superfoods. 
 Superfoods contain high levels of vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. This group of foods is known for being low in calories and high in nutrients. If you want to maintain a healthy weight, fight disease, and live longer: eat more superfoods.
Adding an array of superfoods to your diet gives you the best protective health benefits. Some provide free-radical fighting antioxidants, and others contain healthy fats and anti-inflammatory substances.
Preventing chronic disease is possible through diet, and superfoods are a powerful food choice for keeping you healthy.
QUICK TIP: Some of my favorite superfoods include kale, broccoli, berries, quinoa, avocados, chia and hemp seeds, almonds, spinach, and salmon.
TRY THIS: Grab my FREE 1-page printable with 7 Super Simple Superfood recipes here.
2. Healthy people get Omega-3 fatty acids from their diets. 
Alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) is an omega-3 fatty acid that plays a critical role in the health of numerous body systems. That includes the nervous system, the immune system, and the cardiovascular system. You know, all the ones you need to function?
Since our bodies lack the ability to make ALA, we must get it from dietary sources, mainly plants, dairy, and meat. Eighty-five percent of ALA is broken down by our bodies and used as a source of energy, so incorporating ALA into your diet is a must.
QUICK TIP: Plant sources of ALA include flax, chia, and hemp seeds and walnuts. You can also get ALA from leafy greens, but try sprinkling seeds on your food to optimize ALA intake. Salmon is also a fantastic source of omega-3 fatty acid — non-vegetarians should eat this nutritious fish twice a week.
TRY THIS: Click here for 8 Delicious Chia Seed recipes that are healthy, quick, and coach approved.
3. Healthy people fill up on fiber. 
You’ll feel full long after eating a meal high in fiber. This helps tremendously with weight management because the more full you feel, the less likely you are to take in extra calories.
Fiber also reduces blood sugar spikes, so you won’t be on the endless cycle of blood sugar dips and peaks if you incorporate healthy fiber in your meals.
Fiber also plays a role in feeding the “good bacteria” in your gut, helping to maintain a healthy environment in your digestive system.
QUICK TIP: Great sources of fiber include fresh fruits and vegetables, lentils and legumes, nuts,  hemp seeds, chia seeds, and whole grains.
4. Healthy people exercise regularly.
Exercising burns calories, and is extremely important for regulating our metabolism and controlling our weight. Being active boosts good cholesterol levels, reduces stress, improves mood, boosts energy, improves cognitive function and memory, and increases blood flow throughout our bodies.
If that’s not enough, exercise also improves sleep, sex drive, and body confidence.
QUICK TIP: If you don’t exercise, start slowly and do a little more each day. Even those with busy schedules can sneak in twenty minutes a day. Try lunges, squats, and planks at home, or search the internet for fitness videos.
If the weather is nice, get out and walk, and increase your mileage every week. We can all benefit from daily exercise.
WATCH THIS: Tune in as I offer my Insider Tips on how to lose weight without exercise. (Spoiler alert: NO ONE has ever told you this before).
5. Healthy people read food labels. 
Do you toss jarred, boxed, and frozen foods in your grocery cart without reading the nutrition label? If yes, now's the time to break this habit.
Check the number of ingredients listed on the product  the more ingredients listed, the greater likelihood the food is highly processed and stripped of nutritional value.
Choose foods that have the least number of ingredients listed and steer clear of food additives. Get to know the various "code words" for sugar: corn syrup, fructose, cane sugar, dextrose, brown rice syrup, among others.
It is best to choose foods without added sugar. Check the serving size before you look at the nutrition information, and then base your decision to buy on the daily recommended values per serving.
QUICK TIP: I recommend eating whole foods and staying away from pre-packaged, highly processed foods. Aim to buy food with the least number of ingredients, and stay away from added sugar and trans fat.
START HERE: Avoid the GMO Dirty Dozen while grocery shopping with my quick-and-healthy shopping list.
6. Healthy people stay well hydrated. 
Since our bodies are made up of about 60 percent water, all of our bodily systems depend upon water to run smoothly.
A mildly dehydrated person will start to feel tired, sluggish, irritable, and experience headaches. If your urine is not clear or light yellow, this is also another sign that you’re dehydrated.
Water flushes toxins from our cells and organs, helps to regulate body temperature, and keeps our digestive system running smoothly. If you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water first. It may be all you need to feel full again.
How can you determine how much water you need? Experts have long recited the mantra “an 8-ounce glass, 8 times a day.” However, it may surprise you to learn there is little science to support this easy-to-remember catchphrase.
That recommendation appeared as a footnote in a 1945 Dietary Guide, and has been used ever since. The truth is, every body needs different amounts of hydration. The type of diet, time of year, even hormone levels will play a factor in setting your daily hydration needs.
Ultimately, listen to your own body. When you are thirsty: drink water. But don’t feel like you have to force yourself to drink mass amounts of water for the sake of meeting an irrelevant goal.
QUICK TIP: If you have trouble drinking enough water daily, I recommend carrying around a BPA-free bottle or glass water bottle and drinking on-the-go.
START HERE: These 7 Refreshing Detox Waters offer some simple, healthy flavor boosters for plain water.
Another quick tip to "healthifying" your daily life?
Adding ample greens to your diet will help detoxify and alkanlaize your system. It'll drop inflammation and naturally boost immunity.
Though there are several greens powders on the market, I couldn’t find one that was great-tasting, organic and pure. So, my wife Amy and I set out to create the best tasting, most nutritious greens powder on the market. Our daily Energy Greens powder is now available online. Add it to your morning glass of water and watch it powerfully balance your pH levels (free pH strips come with every pack!)
If you’re looking for a SINGLE healthy habit to add to your diet. Start by adding a greens powder. In just two-minutes each morning you can literally transform your health.
Yuri Elkaim is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and author of the NYTimes Best-selling book "The All-Day Energy Diet.” In his upcoming book, “The All-Day Fat-Burning Diet” (Rodale, 2015) he walks readers  through a 5-day food cycling program guaranteed to double your weight loss. Look for it in bookstores December 2015.

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